Summer Lovin'

Love. It's a rare, crazy and utterly beautiful ride. Full of ups and downs, hills and valleys, intensities and calmer times. There's love that makes you dizzy with happiness, heavy-hearted with sadness or insane with madness. But one day, when these extreme feelings begin to fade by the wayside, remember that there will always be a fire that burns within you. Just don't ever let it completely die out. If you are lucky enough to find your 'soul mate' then you will need to remember they aren't going to be perfect in every way possible. You are going to fight. You will disagree. They will drive you mad. You might even feel like you've lost the spark. But, if for the most part, you feel deep deep down in your trustworthy gut that they are 'the one', then don't ever let the passion completely fade away. If you want the romance, remember love is a two way street. Give, give, give and you shall receive.

Happy endings aren't just for the movies. But once the honeymoon passes, love can be hard work. It can also be one of the most rewarding things that this life has given us. Fall in love and you'll fall down the rabbit hole, into your very own gorgeous world that's uniquely tailored for the two of you. There's really nothing quite like it, so don't allow it to be neglected. And if you haven't found love yet, believe me, it's just around the corner. So keep your chin high, your eyes bright and your smile beautiful, because you, my dear, deserve nothing but the very best. X