Our ultimate guide to flicks to indulge your retro fix!

There is a certain kind of comfort that comes with kicking back like a ‘70s lounge lizard, flares on, red wine in hand and a good flick. It’s no secret that some of the most epic cult classics were set in the euphoric golden eras - and we’ve curated the ultimate list of flicks so you can get comfy and indulge your retro fix in!


Pass the popcorn...

We couldn't not start with a bang. Almost Famous is the ULTIMATE movie set in the ‘70s, and teleports you back to the glory days of rock bands and groupies. Probably the best part about this movie is our all time favourite muse, Miss Penny Lane, who we look to for style inspiration on the daily! The fashion in this flick gives us all the nostalgic vibes and the soundtrack is just so much fun. 

Directed by Quentin Tarantino, and starring our favourite local Hollywood queen Margot Robbie playing style icon and actress Sharon Tate  - this movie is a non negotiable for the '70s fanatics. The fashion, set design, soundtrack and eye candy (hello Leo and Brad!) and fairly outrageous ending (in true Tarantino style, of course) make it certainly entertaining. 

Everyone loves a bit of Austin and this movie is guaranteed to make you chuckle with all its outrageous and awkward moments! The Queen B herself also plays a central role in this film as Foxxy Cleopatra, who has the ultimate disco wardrobe that we are forever pining over! We’ll be recreating her vibe wearing our Cleopatra and Florence jumpsuits, that’s for certain. 

A psychedelic musical that consists of songs by The Beatles. Set in the ‘60s and featuring epic fashion moments with characters inspired by some of the greats, like Joplin and Hendrix! It's theatrical, has a star studded cast and teleports us back to the days of fierce expression in the 1960s where the revolution movement was at its height. It's a must! 

This movie is a coming of age cult classic! The story is set in high school in the ‘70s featuring a young Matthew McConaughey - think everything epic about being in high school in the ‘70s - bell bottoms, wild parties and cute boys with long hair. The soundtrack is also top notch *chefs kiss*. 


This movie is for the lovers of the tunes! A story about pirate radio in the ‘60s, when rock’n’roll was exploding on the scene and it was banned on all radio stations. Full of good vibes, the fashion is out of this world and the film ends with the cast dancing to one of our ultimate party tunes, David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance.” Iconic! Makes us want to boogie every time.

Themed around the ‘60s style icon, Edie Sedgwick and set amongst Andy Warhol’s Factory - the ‘60s pop art aesthetic and fashion make this film worth the watch. You will also spot characters based on Bob Dylan, Nico and Lou Reed. It’s a classic! 

Hello rom-com classic! Set in the summer of 1963 and it’s a summer of first loves. The fashion, the music and the dancing - this flick is one for the romantics and Patrick Swayze as Johnny is a total babe. 

Grease - need we say more really? Another classic and another summer of love. Grease has it all! The fashion, the singalongs, and John Travolta in a leather jacket. Not to mention the best makeover of all time. Our Nova jumpsuit gives us the ultimate Sandy vibes! Can we just be her in the final scene PLEASE? 

This film is a journey through the decades with some familiar characters along the way, including Elvis. The Muse and love interest of the film, Jenny, is a total style icon and the inspiration behind our very own, Jenny Dress! This film tugs at the heartstrings - guaranteed to make us shed a little tear every single time we watch it. 

Enjoy making your way through this list!